
Inline Element

Inline elements can be created using the format : followed by the element name, i.e. span. The text to add to the element is in [square brackets]. For example: :span[text to show].

The markdown:

You can create :span[inline] elements.

Results in the output:

<p>You can create <span>inline</span> elements.

Inline Element Attributes

Attributes can be added to inline elements using curly braces ({}). The attributes can specified long-hand, such as { title="My title" } or short-hand for ids { #my-id } and class names { .my-class }.

The markdown:

The :abbr[AB]{ title="Astro Accelerator" } site.

Results in the output:

<p>The <abbr title="Astro Accelerator">AB</abbr> site.</p>

Block Element

Block elements are started with three-colons and the element name, such as :::div. They are ended with three-colons, i.e. :::.

The markdown:

Text and *markdown*.

Results in the output:

<p>Text and <em>markdown</em>.</p>

Block Element Attributes

Attributes are added to the start of the block.

The markdown:

Text and *markdown*.

Results in the output:

<div class="note">
<p>Text and <em>markdown</em>.</p>

Image Attributes and Lazy Loading

You can create images with attributes, such as lazy loading, using an inline element.

The markdown:

:img{ src="/image.webp" alt="Example image" loading="lazy" }

Results in the output:

<img src="/image.webp" alt="Example image" loading="lazy">