
Feature flags are available in config.ts for the following enhancements.

featureFlags: {
    codeBlocks: ['copy'],
    figures: ['enlarge'],
    youTubeLinks: ['embed'],

To disable a feature, remove its value from the list. For example, to disable code block copy:

featureFlags: {
    codeBlocks: [],
    figures: ['enlarge'],
    youTubeLinks: ['embed'],

When you remove a feature, the associated JavaScript file is not loaded.

Code Blocks

  • ‘copy’: adds a “copy” icon to code blocks to help users copy the examples.


  • ‘tabs’: converts details elements into a tabbed interface based on the data-group name


  • ‘enlarge’: adds an “enlarge” icon, which opens images in a new tab so users can pinch/zoom


  • ‘link’: adds a “link” icon to each heading with an id attribute to provide the bookmark link for the header.
  • ‘dialog’: enables the on-page search dialog, rather than navigating to the search page (you still need an active search page on the site).
  • ‘headings’: shows quick links to matching headings in the search results.
  • ‘embed’: transforms YouTube links into embedded videos, lazy loaded when the user clicks