Image Automation

When authoring images, use JPEG (.jpg) or PNG (.png) formats and place images in the /public/img/ folder.

These will be used to create a set of images to use on your site.

Conversion and Resizing

JPEG and PNG images in the /public/img/ folder will be re-saved with compression to /public/i/x/.

They will also have WEBP alternatives created at different sizes, for use in automatic responsive image sets.

You can run this manually using npm run img. Only changed images will be processed.

By default, this is part of the npm run dev script in package.json for Astro Accelerator:

"dev": "node ./src/img.mjs && astro dev",

As part of the conversion, a set of sizes will be created to use with responsive images. For example, if you have an image named /public/img/example.png the following images will be generated:

  • /public/i/x/example.png (smaller file size)
  • /public/i/400/example.webp (400px wide WEBP)
  • /public/i/700/example.webp (700px wide WEBP)
  • /public/i/1000/example.webp (1000px wide WEBP)

A metadata file will be placed next to the image, named example.png.json.

You shouldn’t create a /public/i/ folder as this is reserved for image automation.

You can reference these images directly in your markdown files or take advantage of automatic responsive images (see below).

In a later release, the format might be changed from WEBP to a newer format (for example, AVIF). You can retain existing images or update in-content references to the newer format and delete the old generated sets. If you use the automated :img markdown helper for images, you won’t need to worry about this.

Updating or re-processing an image

If you delete the metadata file, for example example.png.json the image will be regenerated the next time you run the utility (usually when you run pnpm dev).

If you update an image, delete the metadata file to update all the resized versions of the image.

Responsive Images

If you use the markdown extension for images, responsive source sets and sizes will be added for you.

The responsive source sets will load an optimal WEBP image based on the user’s device size.

    alt="An example image"}


  • It is optional but best practice to specify a width and height
  • It is optional but best practice to add meaningful alt-text

When this tag is processed, it will create HTML similar to the following (the implementation may change in minor ways).

    alt="A diagram showing web requests routed to different web servers"
    srcset="/i/400/example.webp 400w, /i/600/example.webp 600w, /i/1000/example.webp, 1000w"
    sizes="(max-width: 860px) 100vw, 66vw"