Getting Started

New instructions

Put the two setup files in an empty folder:

  • accelerator.js
  • package.json

Run these three commands:

npm install

node .\accelerator.js

npm run img

Start up your empty site:

npm run dev

Once you’re up and running you can adjust the accelerator.js script to update the files you want to use from the theme. You can use this script to integrate new versions of the theme after updating the package.

Things to Update

In /astro.config.mjs change the value for site::

In /public/robots.txt change the Sitemap: address:

In /src/config.ts change the sitewide defaults in the SITE variable.

Trailing slashes

Decide whether you want trailing slashes…

There are two items to update for this as the Accelerator doesn’t access your Astro config file.

In astro.config.mjs set the trailing slash to “always” or “never”.

export default defineConfig({
    site: '...',
    markdown: {
        trailingSlash: 'always',

In src/config.ts set useTrailingUrlSlash to true or false.

const SITE: Site = {
    url: '...',
    useTrailingUrlSlash: true,

In /src/config.ts add any analytics or validation tags to HEADER_SCRIPTS.

Running in a sub-folder

Some use cases run the site in a sub-folder, in order to front-door the site as a microsite that is part of a larger site. For example:

  • - operated by the marketing team, maybe using a big platform
  • - operated by the development team, running Astro
export const SITE = {
    url: '',
    subfolder: '/dev-blog',

Place pages in the folder:


Place assets in the folder


When you map your front door for all your paths will be correct as you’ve placed all your content in this folder. This avoids issues attempting to load resources from the “root” that would be front-doored to your other site running at

Migrating From WordPress

This section is a work in progress.

Export to Jekyll plugin (it just creates markdown files and images).

Re-organise blog from “2022-12-01-article-url” into folder “2022/12/article-url”. You can use a script, like this Powershell script, to do this. This script creates copies so you can check before deleting the files. Pop it in the folder containing the blog posts exported from WordPress.

$files = Get-ChildItem
$loc = Get-Location

foreach($file in $files) {
    $name = $file.Name

    if ($name -match '.md$') {

        $year = $name.Substring(0,4)
        $month = $name.Substring(5,2)
        $folder = "$loc\$year\$month\"
        $dest = $folder + $name.Substring(11)

        if (Test-Path $folder) {
            # Already exists
        } else {
            New-Item -Path $folder -ItemType Directory

        Copy-Item -path $name -destination $dest


Using your trusty find and replace tools, you can fix up the front-matter.

\nlayout: post
\nlayout: src/layouts/Default.astro

Images can be taken from /wp-content/uploads/… and placed in /public/img/…

A bit more find and replace to sort out image references.